Category Archives: Math Concepts

Probability – the OR case

probability dice image

We are continuing our discussion of Probability. If you missed the introduction and the “and” case of probability, here you go. Probability – the AND case Remember that probability is the odds or percentage of likelihood of an event happening in a given set of circumstances. The range of probability is from 0 to 1, where 0 is absolute impossibility […]

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Probability – the AND case

probability dice image

The concepts of probabilities are so useful in the understanding of everyday life. The concepts give insight into many areas that aren’t necessarily math related. A few minutes of practice with these concepts will add to your ability to analyze many situations in your life. Probability is the odds of a given event happening in a given set of circumstances. […]

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Permutation and Combination and What is a Factorial?

permuation and combination, factorial

If you have 7 different options on the menu and you can order 2 of them for your combo-meal, how many possible meal combinations are there?  To figure this out, you need only a simple formula and a cool math operation called the factorial. What is a factorial? The factorial is written as an integer with an exclamation point (!).  […]

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What are Prime Numbers? Is 2 a prime number?

prime number, prime numbers, 4th grade maths

Prime numbers are any numbers that cannot be evenly divided by any integer other than 1 and itself. Or in other words, the only numbers that you can multiply to get a prime number are 1 and the prime number. Numbers that are not prime, or those with additional factors other than 1 and itself, are called composite numbers. The […]

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How to Calculate Averages

One way to think of a group of numbers is by the typical value in the group, or the average. Knowing the average helps us to know what any additional values of the group might be, and gives us the ability to approximate a new total if more values are added. Finding the average of a group of values is […]

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The circle and sphere

The circle and sphere are basic shapes we see every day. This page will help you understand their basic measurements and how to use them to calculate some of their ‘sizes’. A circle is the set of points in a plane (meaning absolutely flat) that are all an equal distance from a single point. So, if you were standing on […]

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Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

When we talk about something being parallel, it means there are two lines that are going in the same direction, the same distance apart. To be exact, this relationship must be true always – no matter how long the lines are, these lines must not ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever cross. That can only happen if they are exactly […]

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Some squares and cubes you should know

What is a square? When a number is multiplied by itself, the result is called the square of that number. For example, 3 * 3 = 9.  This is the same as saying 3 squared, or written with an exponent as 32, and 9 is called the square of 3. This type of calculation is used frequently in math.  Many formulas […]

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